Lyrics Forever

Madah Berhelah - ZIANA ZAIN

Madah Berhelah - ZIANA ZAIN

Di dalam sendu yang teramat
Ku lihat senja yang berlabuh
Dan malam yang melepas layar
Kaku aku di sini
Bersama harapan terbakar

Siapa di antara kita
Yang dulu memula sengketa
Pastinya diriku bagimu
Yang engkau anggap punca
Biarpun ketara engkau Yang mula...

Bukan sekali kau suarakan
Kebimbangan pada cintaku
Kau tak mampu
Bersendirian tanpaku
Itu semua lembut lidah
Manis madah penuh helah
Yang pastinya...
Aku adalah sandaran...
Bagai hilang semangat diri
Keyakinanku...terlebur kini

Sesungguhnya kau ku sanjung tinggi
Bererti hanya kau di hati
Sayangnya kejernihan cinta
Yang mencermin setia
Kau keruhkan warnanya...
Kau keruhkan warnanya...

Masih Ada Cinta ZIANA ZAIN

Masih Ada Cinta - Ziana Zain

Masih Ada Cinta ZIANA ZAIN

Betapa pun jauh pandangan mata
Betapa pun jauh kaki melangkah
Namun terasa diri terpenjara
Oleh suatu ikatan
Nan tidak ketara

Walau kau cuba menjauhkan diri
Walau kadang kala aku membenci
Namun setiap kali terpandang mu
Kehangatan di hati ku
Dingin bagai salju

Antara kasih dan kasihan
Antara jemu dan harapan
Biarkanlah di sini
Aku terus begini

Tak mungkin ada yang dapat
Gelisah yang datang melanda diri
Masihkah ada rasa cinta
Ataukah sekadar
Kau berpura-pura

Menadah Gerimis ZIANA ZAIN

Menadah Gerimis ZIANA ZAIN

Bagaikan terdengarnya suara
Menghakis mengikis naluri
Mengeruhkan jernih suasana
Dan meretak harapan

( 1 )
Tiada erti aku merindu
Jika kau tak ingin bertemu
Apa gunanya bercinta di dalam kepura-puraan
Yang lafaz cinta hanya di bibir
Namun diri tak seringnya hadir
Di saat engkau diperlukan aku hampa

Usah dikelirukan cinta
Yang terkusut jiwa merana
Jangan dengan separuh hati
Diri ini kau cintai

Usahlah renung hanya di mata
Benamkanlah ke dasar hati
Renunganmu telusnya pasti
Berarash ke syurga cinta

Menanti kunjungan hampir pasti
Mengharap titis embun pagi
Dan bagai menadah gerimis
Yang masih pulang pergi

( ulang dari 1 )

Mimpi Mu Bukan Mimpi Ku ZIANA ZAIN

Mimpi Mu Bukan Mimpi Ku - Ziana Zain

Mimpi Mu Bukan Mimpi Ku ZIANA ZAIN

Oh sampai bila
Berlalu aksi ini
Hey sutradara
Hentikan watak ini
Engkau hanya inginkan
Ku mendiamkan diri

Bukannya pendirian
Tak ingin jadi permainan
Mimpimu bukan mimpiku

Jenuh melihat
Aksi yang tiada ketulusan
Tak ingin
Diri terhimpit

Oh bebaskanlah
Bebanan di bahu ku
Ku telah cuba
Mengikut telunjuk mu

Demi sesuap nasi
Tak perlu ada hipokrasi
Yang perlu

Ku punya pendirian
Tak ingin jadi permainan
Mimpi mu bukan mimpiku

Takut yang berterbang
Bukannya untuk kemewahan
Penghargaan jadi tuntutan hidup

Penawar Semalu - ZIANA ZAIN

Penawar Semalu - ZIANA ZAIN

Terbuka kelopak walau tiada harum
Namun tetap berseri
Dalam taman larangan tersendiri
Tersentuh jejari dalam asyik berjaga
Tidak disangka berduri
Bisa telus menyentuh ke hati
Lukaku berdarah sebelum sampai waktunya

Mengalir ke lurah asing nan berliku
Dan merempuh tebing kasih
Selama ini gagah bertahan
Menghakis seguning rindu yang teguh
Dihanyut arus rapuh untuk kuberpaut
Di mana kutemui penawar ini
Mengharap lagi
Terbukalah kembali... mekar semula

Ulang 1

Setangkai semalu malu bila kusentuh
Namun kan berseri
Dalam taman larangan tersendiri
Usah disentuh lagi...

Perjuangan - ZIANA ZAIN

Ziana Zain - Perjuangan -

Perjuangan - ZIANA ZAIN

Ketika kau lena
Dibuai mimpi-mimpi yang indah
Dikala itu
Aku beredar dengan harapan

Jika kau tahu
Langkah ku atur ada tujuan
Menabur budi menyimpan hasrat
Dalam genggaman

Tidak kecundang
Jika bekalkan pasti
Perjuangan aku lalui
Menanti (yang pasti)

Tidakkan luntur
Ia membara di dalam jiwa
Tidakkan pudar
Bagaikan dian terus membara

Kadangkala rindu
Datang menghampiriku
Ku tabahkan keyakinan untukmu
Perjuangan diteruskan
Meniti masa
Keyakinan dalam jiwa
Terus bergema

Akan ku buktikan
Segala pengorbanan
Dalam perjalanan
Ke puncak menara

Puncak Kasih - ZIANA ZAIN

Puncak Kasih - ZIANA ZAIN

Dalam air... tenang
Arus menyusur... damai
Sesekali embun yang menitis... memecah
Di mana percikkannya di mata
Lalu kusentuh
Basahnya kejernihan

Dalam hati... sunyi
Bagai hening pagi
Tiada beza lagi kedukaan ini

Andai nilai setia... tiada
Bagaimana pula nantinya
Di dalam istana

Retak kasih ini
Berlimpahan rona luka
Telah pun kita simpan
Tak sedikit sejarah percintaan

Puncak kasih kita
Rendangnya oh... seketika
Bagai cerita...
Satu mimpi episod cinta

Terpaksa aku redha
Walaupun dalam nyata
Kau merisik... tanpa
Tidak ku percaya

Dalam air... tenang
Hati melawan... sunyi
Tiada beza lagi... kedukaan ini

Andai nilai setia... tiada
Bagaimana pula nantinya
Di dalam istana serikan warnanya
Hebatkah cinta

Pusaka Rimba - Ziana Zain & Dayang Nurfaizah

Pusaka Rimba - Ziana Zain & Dayang Nurfaizah

Tiada kedinginan embun melingkari
Ayunan daun di sini
Mentari bersembunyi kabut mengaburi
Rentak dunia berlari

Kota berdiri, megah diselimuti
Cita menjauhi bumi
Suara berlagu merintih nasibku
Lemah dayaku merindu

( korus )
Kemana kan ku bawa sisa kehijauan
Semakin kerdil di bayang kemewahan
Manusia menyahut panggilan kemajuan
Mereka lupa pusaka rimba

Semakin ku cuba menghampiri bahagia
Ribut meruntuhi cinta
Harapan yang agung mengubati sendu
Pusaka rimba duniaku

( ulang korus )
Harapan yang agung mengubati sendu
Pusaka rimba duniaku

Putus Terpaksa - ZIANA ZAIN

Putus Terpaksa - ZIANA ZAIN

Seringkali kau menepis tiap persoalan
Ada sesuatu kau sembunyikan
Dari pengetahuanku

Dapat aku merasakan
Ketara perubahan
Setelah jelas terbukti
Sesuatu yang terlarang
Menjadi teman hidupmu
Selain aku...

Demi masa hadapan kita
Aku merayu
Kuncikan keinginanmu
Bernafaslah dalam sejahtera
Ku pasti ruang untuk mu
Masih ada...

Sudah puas ku menghimpun doa
Agar kau berubah
Berpaling membentuk impian hidup kita

Namun tiada oh kudratku untuk
Halang keinginan
Suaraku tak berdaya
Menentang kemahuanmu

Sia-sia belaka aku
Berkorban kasih ku padamu
Sekiranya kau
Masih tak ubah pendirian
Yang hanya menjanjikan
Pemergian ngeri
Yang tak memberi erti

Demi masa hadapan kita
Tak sanggup aku
Bertemankan oh kasihmu
Yang penuh dengan fantasi
Terpaksa jua ku undur diri...
Terpaksa jua ku undur diri...

Rahsia Semalam - Ziana Zain

Ziana Zain - Rahsia Semalam -

Rahsia Semalam - Ziana Zain

Seandainya dapat ku ulangi
Semalam yang penuh bererti
Kan ku cuba sedayanya
Agar cinta 'kan bersemi

( 1 )
Akan kusulam renda pelangi
Ku jadikannya cindai sutera
Penyeri jendela kamarmu
Biar alam termangu

( korus 1 )
Tak akan aku biarkan
Malapnya kerdipan
Sinaran bintang di langit
Teman tidurmu
Akan ku pancarkan
Kilauan mutiara
Disaksikan bulan pernama

Akan ku bait puisi syahdu
Diiringi senandung rindu
Ditinta emas terukir namamu
Namaku bersatu

( korus 2 )
Untuk apa dirindui
Bulan yang tinggi
Sedangkan di bumi
Masih tak ku kenali
Dalam hati ini
Rahsiaku tersimpan
Melayari bahtera impian

( ulang korus1 & korus2 )

Rantaian Kasih - ZIANA ZAIN

Rantaian Kasih - ZIANA ZAIN

Setelah kau pergi
Ku rasa sepi sekali
Tak sabar hatiku
Menanti engkau kembali
Bergelora di jiwa
Bagaikan gelap dunia...
Sementara... ooo !
Tanpa dirimu
Hatiku terbelenggu

Ku genggam kasihmu
Setiap detik dan waktu
Antara kau dan aku
Saling perlu memerlu
Kitakan sama-sama
Membina kota cinta...
Bahagia dengan permata
Seindah dalam mimpi

( korus )
Oh !... ibuku restuilah cintaku
Sekiranya engkau kelu membisu
Terlerailah sudah rantaian kasih nan syahdu
Usah ibu meracun kalbu
Yang terluka anakmu

( ulang korus )

Rentak Hidup Ku - ZIANA ZAIN

Rentak Hidupku - Ziana Zain

Rentak Hidup Ku ZIANA ZAIN

Sejenak aku terjaga dari lamunan
Terbangkit kini budi yang pernah ku curah
Kiranya ada di hati tidak keikhlasan
Kiranya budi kau hulur ada tujuan

Ah ... biar terputus kawan
Seandai demikian
Ku punya pendirian
Jangan kau pandang ringan

Sejarah hitam hidupmu bukan ukuran
Cuma ku menganggap engkau sekadar teman
Ah ... biar terputus kawan
Seandai demikian
Ku punya pendirian
Jangan kau pandang ringan

( korus )
Yang ku benci
Mendengar kalimah itu
Yang kesudaha lena dalam lamunan
Dan yang aku ingin kau
Bicarakan tentang hidup
Yang bergelora bagai air laut

Mengapa tidak soalkan tentang hidupmu
Dan aku setia di sini jadi penawar
Moga kau akan mengerti rentak hidupku
Berkasih setelah cinta menjadi nyata

Ah ... biar terputus kawan
Seandai demikian
Ku punya pendirian
Jangan kau pandang ringan

( Ulang 1 )
Sejarah hitam hidupmu bukan ukuran
Cuma ku menganggap engkau sekadar teman
Moga kau akan mengerti rentak hidupku
Berkasih setelah cinta menjadi nyata

Rindu Yang Ku Pendam - ZIANA ZAIN

Rindu Yang Ku Pendam - Ziana Zain

Rindu Yang Ku Pendam ZIANA ZAIN

Pendam rindu
Selagi ku mahu
Tahan gelora seru
Ke mana pun jatuh
Diti jantung ku
Biar gunung menghembuskan lahar kuning
Daku inginkan kata putus

Dendam rindu
Menarik semua
Resah dalam hidup

Aku masih merasakan tak sampai di pantai
Penuh daya dalam perjuangan dalam hatiku
Kusesali bila engkau berpaling dariku
Sewaktu godaan merobek hati

( korus )
Kekasihku mengapa hanya aku yang terkejar
Kata rindu semalam hanya dusta semata
Oh sakitnya bila merasakan
Penyiksaan mu
Yang telah kau cipta
Di depan mataku

Biar aku berhenti dalam rela
Biarkan engkau habiskan lakunanmu di sana
Mungkin kah nanti kembali
Setelah kau mengerti
Hati ini menanti

( ulang korus )

Riwayat Cinta ZIANA ZAIN

Riwayat Cinta - Ziana Zain

Riwayat Cinta ZIANA ZAIN

Kau mengancam kebahagiaanku
Yang kita bina bersama
Waktu dahulu cinta hangat membakar

Kau tinggal diri ini
Dalam pelukan malam
Yang tak bermaya
Beginikah akhirnya

( korus)
Ku telan pahit bagaikan hempedu
Kerana cinta
Segar mewanginya ho... ho... cintamu

Kekasih... bila
Ku luah manis bagaikan bermadu
Riwayat cinta akan bersinar
Untuk selamanya

Kau yang bersama dalam hati
Beginikah akhirnya
Walau badai datang melanda
Akan ku teruskan pelayaran



Ada sedang menanti
Jauh dan asyik menari
Didalam samar berdiri
Jelas dari bayangan hati

Apakah tanda bermulanya rasa
Dari naluri tersisih
Satu langkah menjejak asmara
Lena dalam dakapan lara

Bisik bisik bukan itu
yang ku diduga
Telah lama terpendam
bukan rahsia
Satu detik yang hadir
di dalam masa
Satu ruang yang indah untuk
kita bersama

Pastikan datang lagi
Saat yang tak mudah dilupakan
Telah kutulis sekali
Di dalam satu memori

Cuba mendengar seolah memanggil
Dari naluri tersisih
Satu langkah menjejak asmara
Lena dalam dakapan lara

Bisik bisik bukan itu
yang ku menduga
Telah lama terpendam
bukan rahsia
Satu detik yang hadir
di dalam masa
Satu runag yang indah untuk
kita bersama

Dan dari waktu beredar
dari arah bersinar
Hanya satu detik menanti penuh sabar

Satu Persatu ZIANA ZAIN

Satu Persatu ZIANA ZAIN

Merah lembayung senja
Mula berarak lalu
Membenam ceria ku
Ku baca warkah darimu
Ku dakap lakaran wajahmu
Kenangan pun bertandang tanpa diundang

Satu persatu ku
Menghitung butiran rindu
Mengukur garisan waktu
Satu persatu kau
Tawarkan penawar
Dalam kiriman salam kasih mu

Lena ku beralas mimpi
Rindu yang datang bertamu
Menagih cinta
Kasih ku mengintai janji
Yang diukir
Disaksi kita berdua

Sebelum Terlewat Waktu ZIANA ZAIN

Sebelum Terlewat Waktu - Ziana Zain

Sebelum Terlewat Waktu ZIANA ZAIN

Aku masih seperti dulu
Sayang rindu dan cinta padamu
Biarpun waktu berlalu pergi
Kau tetap mekar di hati

Aku masih mengharapkanmu
Tak pernah ku jemu menunggu
Biarpun usia semakin senja
Ku masih simpan cintamu

Di puncak rindu ku teguh berdiri
Seolah terpaut oh..harummu

( korus )
Ku menadah tangan ku pohon padaNya
Semoga engkau menjelma kembali
Kiranya ku bersalah
Maafkanlah diriku
Sebelum terlewat waktu

( Ulang 2, korus, 1)

Semarak Kasih ZIANA ZAIN

Ziana Zain - Semarak Kasih -

Semarak Kasih ZIANA ZAIN

Semarak kasih
Bersulam rindu
Kian menyala di sanubari
Resah, resah nya jiwa
Gelora batin ku gelora
Beralun merdu
Irama syahdu
Indah menghias malam
Penawar rindu
Lau bukan pemisah
Andainya terpaksa
Berajauhan sekadar waktu
Demi aku setia
Berpeggang teguh
Ikatam janji... kita
Pada sebuah cinta
Tiada lagi secebis rasa sangsi
Moga mekar mengharum
Jambangan asmara
Azimat penyeri mahligai
Di taman ini
Kita nikmati
Makna setulus rasa
Semarak kasih

Senja Nan Merah ZIANA ZAIN

Senja Nan Merah ZIANA ZAIN
Ziana Zain & Awie

Masihkah kita termangu di bawah pepohon itu
Ketika hujan melunturi danau yang terusang
Tidak pernah dibilang hari
Hanyalah debar yang terasa... terasa

Setiap hari dibuai mimpi yang terindah
Dengan menghitung senja merah dihujung sinar
Mencipta keheningan rahsia
Pada sehimpun kenangan
Menyimpul satu makna diruang yang lurus ini

Haruskah kita mencari pada gunung dan lurah
Liku-liku curam insani
Haruskah kita mencari puncak mengilau cahaya
Dalam hidup seribu warna
Dibawah teriring ungkapan pada sebuah wajah
Yang lara kesepian

Haruskah kita mencari dalam senja begini
Kembali kita bertemu
Haruskah kita mencari dalam simpati wangi
Membilang kenangan yang abadi
Seperti menuggu mentari senja
Menghilang perlahan-lahan disebalik
Awan yang merah

Dibalik awan yang merah
Dibalik awan yang merah

Sepi Tanpa Rela ZIANA ZAIN

Sepi Tanpa Rela - Ziana Zain

Sepi Tanpa Rela ZIANA ZAIN

Kesannya teramat jelas
Luka di hati ku
Makin beredar waktu
Makin ku terasa rindu

Sukar berulang kali
Sukar kau ulangi
Dusta yang kau dekati
Kabur Cinta Sejati

( korus )
Bila bayangan datang
Memenuhi ruang
hati yang sudah terluka
Rasa hilang
Tiada terdaya
Hendak ku lupa
Walaupun pedihnya


Dikau harus mengerti
Masih dalam hati
Jalan yang kau lafazkan
Tinggal hanyalah janji

Biar penuh redha
Cinta kita bina

( ulang )

Di hujung benua
Sepi tanpa rela

Setia Ke Akhir Hayat ZIANA ZAIN

Ziana Zain - Setia Ke Akhir Hayat - Jelita Hebat

Setia Ke Akhir Hayat ZIANA ZAIN

Sepi sampaikan salamku
Setia cintaku kepadamu
Semoga ke akhir hayat
Kami disatukan... oh... oh...

Cintamu bak dian di tiup angin
Kerdip mencari sinaran yang
Menyakinkan di hati...
Selagi ada terpedaya
Tak mungkin kita bahagia
Ambil yang jernih buanglah
segala keruhnya...

Rimbunmu yang penuh
Onak duri ku doakan menjadi
Haruman di taman inderaloka
Berwarna-warni untuk kita nikmati

Ku semikan kasih sayang
Untuk kau pelihara
Sebaiknya diwaktu suka
Disaat duka
Kala bersamaku

Engkau ditakdirkan jadi milikku
Aku bahagia jadi milikmu
Semoga hingga ke akhir hayat...
Kita disatukan...

( ulang dari 1 )

Engkau ditakdirkan jadi milikku
Aku bahagia jadi milikmu
Semoga hingga ke akhir hayat...
Kita disatukan...

Setia Ku Di Sini ZIANA ZAIN

Setia Ku Di Sini ZIANA ZAIN

Ku terasa kesyahduan
menyelimut malam ku sepi
kumenanti kepulangan mu
kau janji-janjikan suatu masa dulu

Hanya kau kasih kau ku kasihi
kata-kata yang dilafazkan
mengikat jiwa dan cinta
hingga tak termimpi pengganti yang lain

Biar ku dicengkam gelisah
dibuai rindu yang mendalam
resah mendamba belaian mu
yang teramat ku dahaga

Kumasih lagi setia
biar pun takdir mencabar kita terpisah
ku masih lagi di sini
berpegang teguh kalimah cinta

Kubisikkan dalam tangisan
yang gugur berderai ke bumi
menjadi bingkisanku yang akhir
untuk bekalan jalanmu
mencari mahkota menghiasi pelamin kita

Strive For The Best - ZIANA ZAIN

Strive For The Best -
Ziana Zain & Amy Mastura & Khaifizan & Shahgee & Nasir

( Amy Mastura: )
Hatiku mencari
Pancaran sinar
Kilauan gemilang

( Ziana Zain: )
Terangi dunia
Membawa erti Bertakhta dalam jiwa

( Amy Mastura & Khaifizan: )
Kini impian bersama menjadi nyata di hati
Bila tercapai hasratmu
Gemilang dan bersemadi di dalam jiwa
Suara naluri
Menjulang cita selamanya

( Amy Mastura: )
Deep down in our heart
The sorrows and pain
Will survive the test of time

( Ziana Zain: )
But the strength remains
for the taste of fame
Being there amongst the stars
To realise this dream
And hold it to our heart... forever
We fly up so high... way above
Reaching out the fulfil our dreams

( Ziana Zain & Shahgee: )
In search for the best
That lies deep within us
Cherish the moment
For all time

( Ziana Zain: )
Never for less...
We strive for the...
BEST !...

Syurga Di Hati Kita ZIANA ZAIN

Syurga Di Hati Kita ZIANA ZAIN

Kucari di mana
Kau letak hatimu
Kerna bersamaku ada penawar nya
Hanya kepadamu tempat ku mengadu
Usah kau berpaling dan terus membisu

Sememangnya lidah
Tiada bertulang
Namun itu bukan alasan berdiam
Percintaan ini, kita memilih nya
Kesilapan hanya suatu perbandingan

Cintaku ibarat rimba
Andainya dibakar
Tinggallah debuan arang
Siramlah dengan kata-kata saktimu
Semoga asmara berbunga ke akhir nanti
Bagiku engkau...permata hidupku
Inilah ujian buat kita

Berjanjilah... kan setia kekasih padaku
Kita bercinta hingga ke pintu syurga
Sinarilah asmara di mata dan di jiwa
Hidupkan cahaya cinta selamanya

Ulang 1 2

Terkenang Jua - ZIANA ZAIN

Terkenang Jua - Ziana Zain

Terkenang Jua - ZIANA ZAIN

Ada rindu dari kejauhan
Ranum dalam sepinya perjalanan

Sungguh manis ingatan denganmu
Dari terlukis di hamparan hidupku

( korus )
Terkenang jua dalam sepi rasa
Kemerduan senandungmu
Menjadikan kau dekat selalu

Terkenang jua pada raut wajah
Kau membuat segalanya
Begitu indah

Kau bersinar dalam hati ini
Kan terbawa manapun ku berdiri

Sungguh (sungguh) dalam (dalam)
Rindu terhadapmu
Dan bersatu di ranting usiaku
Desetiap Waktu

( ulang korus 2X )

Sungguh dalam rindu terhadapmu
Dan bersatu di ranting usiaku
Di setiap waktu...

Ooo... uuu... oo... u...

Terlerai Kasih - ZIANA ZAIN

Terlerai Kasih - ZIANA ZAIN

Di sini kita berdiri
Di bibir ombak mengucap rinduan
Hanyalah tinggal kenangan
Cinta yang pasrah tiada kesampaian
Dibawa arus
Perbezaan mu
Tinggal tanpa bermaya

Ada kalanya kau datang
Walaupun tidak aku relai
Menyusur jalan mimpi ku
Memberi janji seribunya rindu pada ku
Di dalam lena
Tiada gunanya

Biarlah aku
Sendiri dengan rindu
Masa yang menawarkan
Segala kepedihannya

Ku yang terseksa
Ku hadapi dengan rela
Ku jadikan segalanya
Teladan titi usia

Disuatu masa
Mungkinkan tiba
Apa sebenarnya
Di dalam cinta

Di sini kita berdiri
Di bibir ombak mengucap rinduan
Hanyalah tinggal kenangan
Cinta yang pasrh tiada kesampaian
Ini kenyataan
Yang harus ku terima

(Ulang Korus)

Teruna Dara - ZIANA ZAIN

Teruna Dara - Ziana Zain

Teruna Dara - ZIANA ZAIN

Suatu petang
Ku berjalan
Ku lihat bunga
Kembang di taman

Ku rasa
Buat hatiku
Terasa tenang

Ku lihat di taman
Di sana dan di sini
Teruna dan dara
Bergurau dan bersenda

( korus )
Mereka berjalan berpasangan
Sambil berpegangan tangan
Mengelilingi taman bunga
Bercerita tentang cinta bersama

Sungguh indah pemandangan
Warna warni bunga di taman
Membuat teruna dan juga dara
Ke sana kerana bunga ditaman
Harum mewangi baunya

( Ulang 1, 2, korus )

Sungguh riang pasangannya
Bergurau senda gelak ketawa
Tetapi jangan lupa
Teruna dan juga dara
Dikala bercinta kadangkala berubah

Ada manis ada pahitnya
Ada suka ada dukanya
Berwaspada teruna dara
Apabila bercinta

Tiada Jodoh Antara Kita - ZIANA ZAIN

Tiada Jodoh Antara Kita - Ziana Zain

Tiada Jodoh Antara Kita - ZIANA ZAIN

Mungkin ada rahmatnya
Kita tidak bersama
Andainya diteruskan
Apakah kesudahan
Itulah ucapanmu
Dihujung pertemuan

Kuat mana diikat
Pasti akan terlucut
Andai disambung lagi
Tidak sekuat dulu
Kerana cuma aku yang menarik
Bukan lagi tanganmu

Tak guna mendustai
Pada diri sendiri
Sedangkan rindu itu
Sering mengganggu
Salah usah dicari
Seharusnya berdua
Kita menghadapi menanganinya

Pada zahir tidak terlihat
Ada garis yang terbentang
Tapi batinku sering berkata
Biar ada batasannya

Walau tidak di sini
Cinta kita bersemi
Berkat keyakinanku
Dan doaku pohonkan
Moga diperkenankan
Suatu masa nanti
Suatu masa nanti..oh..oh

Tiada Kepastian - ZIANA ZAIN

Tiada Kepastian - ZIANA ZAIN

Di mana cahaya
yang sebenar
Yang terang tika gelita
Di manakah
Bersembunyi di mana

Mungkinkah ia
Kan kekal
menyinar bagai mentari
Cahaya hatiku

Di jari pena menari
Ku coret kata puisi indah
Dihiasi langit malam
Dan bintang sepi

Mungkinkah kan
Kembali masih sangsi
Tiada pasti
Aku menanti

Di manakah penghujung rindu

Tika Naik Tika Jatuh - ZIANA ZAIN

tika naik tika jatuh - ziana zain

Tika Naik Tika Jatuh - ZIANA ZAIN

Yang amat pahit dalam hidupku ini
Sebuah kisah yang terjadi
Dan kini terbayang siapa lawan, siapa kawan
Di saat aku memerlukan

Mujurlah seorang insan yang kutemukan
Mengerti apa yang ku alami

Kalau dahulu semua indah mekar
Tetapi kini semua hambar
Sungguhku membencimu
Di atas perbuatan
Yang benar melukakan perasaan

* Saat engkau jatuh dahulu ...o...o...o...
Akulah insan yang membantumu
Sebaliknya pula yang terjadi padaku
Kau hanya diam membisu dan berlalu
Tahulah aku sekuat mana perhubunganmu
Kau biarkan ku berdarah
Sedikit pun kau tak kisah
Kau memandang aku bagaikan sampah
Apakah kau terlupa
Satu kisah dulu kala
Cahaya yang kau miliki
Aku yang beri
Dari hati yang tulus

(ulang * )

Ada baiknya
Ku ini bersendiri
Tanpa percaya sesiapa lagi
Sejarah kisah lama
Membuatku berhati
Agar diri tidak tertipu lagi
Paling penting ku percaya diri sendiri

Tuduhan - ZIANA ZAIN

Tuduhan - Ziana Zain

Tuduhan - ZIANA ZAIN

Dari cacian aku terima
Angkara kata ucap berdusta
Hatiku berendam hiba
Meniti hari hampir kelabu

( korus )
( 1 )
Sepi mengemis ungkapan
Makna sebuah tuduhan

( 2 )
Dengan fitnah yang dilemparkan
Dengan dusta bersulam kata
Menambahkan luka...

Telah tiada makna bersuara
Tuduhan tetap untuk diriku
Kemanisan madu tetap bukan untukmu

( ulang 1 & 2 )

( 3 )
Kesan parutnya masih terasa
Dalamnya luka sukar disembuh
Ku cari penawar

Kini masih ku mencari
Kekuatan diri

( ulang 2 & 3 )



Dingin malam yang menyelubungi
Hening sayu dalam hati
Berbicara bersendirian

Ku rasa resah
Selama dibuai rindu
Pada cinta yang terlalu
Terpendam di dalam hayalan

Kan ku leraikan impian indah
Kepadanya ku berserah
Mungkin tak daya
Ku tawan cinta yang sama

Dinginnya getaran asmara
Sentuhan mula bermadah
Ku tak bisa juarai
Jiwa yang ku tak punya

Dinginnya bila kau berkata
Ruang buat ku tiada
Memoriku gengamilah
Biarkan aku beralah

Dalam hatiku tiada dendam
Walau impian semalam
Masih mekar dalam ingatan

Kan ku leraikan impian indah
Kepadanya ku berserah
Mungkin tak daya
Tawan cinta yang sama

oo hooo ooooo…


Making Love out of Nothing at all - Air Supply

Making Love out of Nothing at all - Air Supply

I know just how to whisper
and I know just how to cry;
I know just where to find the answers;
and I know just how to lie.

I know just how to fake it
and I know just how to scheme;
I know just when to face the truth

And then I know just when to dream.
And I know just where to touch you
and I know just what to prove

I know when to pull you closer
and I know when to let you loose.
And I know the night is fading
and I know that time's gonna fly;
And I'm never gonna tell you
ev'rything I've got to tell you

But I know I've got to give it a try.
And I know the roads to riches
and I know the ways to fame;
I know all the rules and then I
know how to break them
And I always know the name of the game.
But I don't know how to leave you
and I'll never let you fall;
And I don't know how you do it
making love out of nothing at all.
Making love - out of nothing at all

Making love - out of nothing at all

Making love - out of nothing at all

Making love - out of nothing at all. . . .
Ev'ry time I see you all the rays of the sun
Are streaming through the waves in your hair;
And ev'ry star in the sky is
taking aim at your eyes
Like a spotlight.
The beating of my heart is a drum

And it's lost and it's looking
for a rhythm like you.
You can take the darkness from
the pit of the night
And turn into a beacon burning endlessly bright.
I've got to follow it
'cause ev'rything I know

it's nothing 'til I give it to you.
I can make the run or stumble
I can make the final block;
And I can make every tackle
at the sound of the whistle

I can make all the stadiums rock.
I can make tonight forever

Or I can make it disappear by the dawn;
And I can make you every promise
That has ever been made

And I can make all your demons be gone.
But I'm never gonna make it without you
Do you really want to see me crawl ?

And I never gonna make it like you do

Making love out of nothing at all.
Making love - out of nothing at all
. . .
Making love - out of nothing at all
. . .
Making love - out of nothing at all
. . .

All out of Love - Air Supply

All out of Love - Air Supply

I'm lying alone with my head on the phone
Thinking of you till it hurts
I know you hurt too but what else can we do
Tormented and torn apart
I wish I could carry your smile in my heart
For times when my life seems so low
It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring
When today doesn't really know, doesn't really know

Chorus #1:
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong

I want you to come back and carry me home
Away from these long lonely nights
[ Find more Lyrics at ]
I'm reaching for you, are you feeling it too
Does the feeling seem oh so right
And what would you say if I called on you now
And said that I can't hold on
There's no easy way, it gets harder each day
Please love me or I'll be gone, I'll be gone

Repeat Chorus #1

Oh, what are you thinking of?
What are you thinking of?
Oh, what are you thinking of?
What are you thinking of?

Chorus #2
I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late I know I was so wrong

Repeat Chorus #2

Repeat Chorus #1

Everlasting Love lyrics - Gerard Joling

Everlasting Love lyrics - Gerard Joling

It looks like heaven to see you walk
To see the way you're moving on
Sounds like an angel when you talk
The words come out like in a song
Never thought what love could do inside
You're the place where I can hide

It feels like heaven to be with you
When you treat me like you do
Every minute of the day
Just with you I wanna stay
There will be no end....

We've got an everlasting love
So pure divine
We've got an everlasting love
Our love will last for all time

Could draw a picture just by heart
Know every line on your face
You stopped me doing from the start
Ask the things I used to chase

Every minute of the day
Just with you I wanna stay
There will be no end

We've got an everlasting love
So pure divine
We've got an everlasting love
Our love will last for all time

Should you ever
Have any doubt bout you and me
Please don't ever
No love never
Don't hesitate to tell me how it should be

We've got an everlasting love
So pure divine
We've got an everlasting love
Our love will last for all time

(Gerard Jan Joling (born April 29, 1960 in Alkmaar) is a Dutch singer and television presenter. He rose to fame in the late 80's and released a string of singles including Ticket to the Tropics, Love is in your Eyes, and his biggest hit, No more bolero's, a song that reached the top 10 in several countries in mainland Europe. He also achieved success in Asia and received more than 20 gold and platinum records.

In 1988 he was the Dutch participant in the Eurovision Song Contest 1988, with the song "Shangri-La". He will represent The Netherlands at the 2009 contest in Moscow as a member of Toppers.

In 2007 he was the host of Sterren dansen op het ijs and So You Wanna Be a Popstar for the television channel SBS 6. 2007 was also the year that sparked Joling's renewed success, with two number 1 songs, a number 1 album, and 11 gold and platinum awards.)



Inter selcta

Hyper, hyper, hyper that's what we make ya
Time to mash up the speaker
Craig David, Artful Dodger
Inter selecta [x4]

Making moves yeah on the dance floor
Got our groove on dancing yeah real hardcore
From the front to the back that's where I was at
You know, you know the Artful Dodger do it like that
With Craig David all over your...
DJ it's all up to you
When the crowd go wild
Tell me watcha gonna do

Re-e-wind when the crowd say bo selecta
Re-e-e-e-e-e-wind when the crowd say bo selecta-ta
Re-e-wind when the crowd say bo selecta
Re-e-e-e-e-e-wind when the crowd say bo, bo, bo
When the crowd say bo selecta
Re-e-e-e-e-wind whent he crowd say bo selecta-ta
Re-re-e-wind when the crowd say bo selecta
This goes out to all the DJs

Eh, yeah
Eh, eh, yeah (yeah) [x3]
Eh, yeah
Eh (yeah)

Re-wind selecta
Rewind se-lec-ta
Re-wind selecta
Re-wind selecta -ta
Re-wind se-lec-ta
Rewind selcta-ta
Re-wind selecta

Re-wind selecta
Re-wind selecta

You Know What - CRAIG DAVID

You Know What - CRAIG DAVID

Yeah I know that
I said I'm feeling
I'm feeling it I'm feeling it yeah
I know that you like the way that I put it down on you
you know what yeah

We were meant to be
together for eternity
but now you're gone it's plain to see
I was living just a fantasy
so many things I'd like to do
If ever I found a love that's true
finding it hard to push on through
since I've been away from you

when I first met you waiting
standing up by the bus stop
I knew you were something special
weak in my knees
I wanted to drop yeah e yeah
so we checked each other
what we had going on was so hot yeah
I never thought you'd leave me no
but you know what

we were meant to be
together for eternity
but now you're gone it's plain to see
I was living just a fantasy
so many things ever I found a love that's true
finding it hard to push on through
since I've been away from you

Now I can't seem to get over you
appearing in everything that I do
it was only last week
friday when I saw you out with your girlfriends walking
round my way (wanted to stop) yeah e yeah
i feel when all's said and done
from this love I've had I've learnt a lot yeah
I never thought you'd leave me no
but you know what

we were meant to be
together for eternity
but now you're gone it's plain to see
I was living just a fantasy
so many thing I'd like to do
If I ever I found a love that's true
finding it hard to push on through
since I've been away from you

the flow that we had was so hot
girl you took me higher to the top
we kept it rolling wouldn't stop
said you'd never leave me
but you know what
we were meant to be
together for eternity
but now you're gone it's plain to see
I was living just a fantasy
so many things ever I found a love that's true
finding it hard to push on through
since I've been away from you

you don't know what i've been going through
but I know that you don't know what
I said i'm feeling it i'm feeling it I'm feeling it yeah
[Repeat 2x]

Once In A Lifetime - CRAIG DAVID

Once In A Lifetime - CRAIG DAVID

Once in my life I have the chance to find
once in my life I have the chance to find

Once in a lifetime I have the chance to find the key to my dreams
and I know, that it's so good for me

Once in a lifetime I have the chance to find the key to my dreams
and I know, that it's so good for me

In the beginning trouble times in my life
I needed a shoulder to cry on
had no direction until i met you
everything is gonna be all right
looking out beyond the stars
searching always wishing
often i thought that love would escape me
you got the key babe

Once in a lifetime I have the chance to find the key to my dreams
and I know, that it's so good for me

Once in a lifetime I have the chance to find the key to my dreams
and I know, that it's so good for me

I was lost couldn't find my way
you took my hand and chased my blues away
your inspiration is guiding me through
I'm feeling brand new
memories of days gone by
hurting always hurting
you've taken my pain away finally
you set me free babe

Once in a lifetime i have the chance to find the key to my dreams
and I know, that it's so good for me

Once in a lifetime I have the chance to find the key to my dreams
and I know, that it's so good for me



One two buckle my shoe
three four step inside the venue and i
see in the corner of my eye
this beautiful girl
that's standing by the bar looking fly
she was like a beauty queen out of a magazine
looked about 19
five mintues talking next thing
it's her number being written

if you're looking for the man that can
go check all the girls messing up with your program
with lyrics that make you say damn
the booty man can
click off click on
international bomb
the booty man's really got it going on

one two unbuckle my shoe
kissing and cuddling
at my crib after the venue and i
didn't wanna take it too fast so i said slow slow
i gotta make some calls so keep it down low
she was like i can't believe you wanna talk instead
of making love to me
five minutes chillin next thing it's my name she's calling

if you're looking for the man that can
go check all the girls messing up with your program
with lyrics that make you say damn
the booty man can
click off click on
international bomb
the booty man's really got it going on

bomb bomb the booty man booty man's really got it goin
on on the booty man booty man's really got it going
bomb bomb the booty man booty man's really got it going on
on on the botty man booty man's really got it going on

if you're looking for the man that can
go check all the girls messing up with your program
with lyrics that make you say damn
the booty man can
click off click on
international bomb
the booty man's really got it going on
[repeat 3x]

Time To Party - CRAIG DAVID

Time To Party - CRAIG DAVID

On friday time to party
let me see you swing and sway
let me see you swing
tell me are you down with me
are you with me
are you with me

friday, payday
ready to do the things we love
we're gonna get our groove on
all night long
give it up now for the dj
and put your hands where my eyes can see
it maybe raining but who cares about the weather
coz when the heat it on
we'll all be getting wetter
it's the start of the weekend
don't waste no time
for tonight is your night

on friday time to party
let me see you swing and sway
let me see you swing
tell me are you down with me
are you with me
are you with me

everybody's feeling right
coz we know it's party night
all the ladies looking tight
wether silk or satin lace or leather
ooh what a sight
here's where the party starts
things can only get better
just make your way onto the dance floor get together
it's the start of the weekend don't waste no time
for tonight is your night

on friday time to party
let me see you swing and sway
let me see you swing
tell me are you down with me
are you with me
are you with me

this party be going on til the break of dawn
let's give it up let's get it on
break open a bottle of moet and chandon and when it's gone
we'll start on the dom perignon
this vibe's makin me high
like toni surrounded by
other people movin their body
we be kicking mad flava in yah ear
big shout to the people round the side
in the front at the rear
this is gonna be one hell of a year
and there's no way that i'm letting anyone interfere
this is how we do getting it on in the venue
can you check my mircophone 1 2
can you give it up now please for the dj
giving you a party like a summer sortay okay
let's see those hands in the air
and wave them around like you just don't care come on

on friday time to party
let me see you swing and sway
let me see you swing
tell me are you down with me
are you with me
are you with me

Walking Away - CRAIG DAVID

Walking Away - CRAIG DAVID

I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away

sometimes some people get me wrong
when it's something I've said or done
sometimes you feel there is no fun
that's why you turn and run
but now I truly realise
some people don't wanna compromise
well I saw them with my own eyes spreading those lies
and well I don't wanna live a lie, too many sleepless nights
not mentioning the fights, I'm sorry to say lady

I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away

Well I'm so tired baby
things you say you're driving me away
whispers in the powder room baby
don't listen to the games they play
girl I thought you'd realise
I'm not like them other guys
coz I saw them with my own eyes
you should've been more wise
and well I don't wanna live a lie, too many sleepless nights
not mentioning the fights, I'm sorry to say lady

I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away

Last Night - CRAIG DAVID

Last Night - CRAIG DAVID

yo you don't even know about this girl i met last night
she was bad
you've never seen nothing like it, trust me

who be your casanova
and we don't stop dr dr dr dr drop the flava
who be your casanova
craig david o yeah and we don't stop
craig david on the rise
craig david on the rise

stepped in the club now
saw you sitting with your friends gigglin
lookin at me
had to make my move
so i whispered in her ear
that i'll be your casanova
come dance while you think it over
we made our way over to the dance floor
gotta groove on
dancing yeah real hard core
from the front to the back that's where i was at
you know you know south hamptons mans do it like that
my body all over your (facciamo amore)
damn sure
she was irresistable
the future was foreseeable

(yere sera) last night ooh yeah
a pretty young girl i met
oh yeah come on
(yere sera) last night
a pretty young girl i met
craig david on the rise

girl you had me tripping
girl you've got me tripping
my heart was feenin from the beginning
just to hold your body drove me crazy
and it weren't like i had to pretend
that i'll be a casanova
if you'd only let me show ya
felt like a drink so we went to the bar
next thing we found ourselves in the back of my car
making laugh and giggle..ha ha
my body all over your
i didn't want to take it too far
especially in the car
got more respect for ya (senorita)
ooh yeah, now you're my partner

(yere sera) last night ooh yeah
a pretty young girl i met
oh yeah come on
(yere sera) last night
a pretty young girl i met
craig david on the rise

i met this girl with the brown eyes
made my moves
showed enterprise that craig david's on the rise
it's all about the fly women
good looking women
those women i can't begin telling
senorita that's the life you live
that makes you wanna
leave the one you're with
and this is how i'm droppin it down
this pretty young girl turned my life around
pretty young lady, driving me crazy
pretty young lady, driving me crazy

(yere sera) last night ooh yeah
a pretty young girl i met
oh yeah come on
(yere sera) last night
a pretty young girl i met
craig david on the rise

who be your casanova
and we don't stop dr dr dr dr drop the flava
who be your casanova
craig david o yeah and we don't stop
dr dr dr dr drop the flava
who be your casanova
craig david and we don't stop
craig david on the rise

Key To My Heart - CRAIG DAVID

Key To My Heart - CRAIG DAVID

Lonely hours, Lonely days,
Never meant to drive you away from me,
I shouldda listened to ya lady and what you had to say, If only...
I never knew how much you feel for somebody after you've let them go (let them go)
And you find out that it's too late to let your feelings show (feelings show)
And even though I've done u so wrong
Don't you know, like I know, baby...

You see you've got the key to my heart, girl
Unlock me and take all my feelings apart
Coz when u said you had to leave, had to go away,
You closed the door on me; you threw away the key...

I'm starting over; I'm feeling down,
Still can't believe that you're not around.
I shouldda been there for you, baby..
But now I'm crying on this melody tonight...

I didn't realize there's no other remedy to numb this pain (numb this pain)
But if you come back in my life then maybe I can start to live again (live again)
And even though you're being so strong
Don't you know, like I know, baby...

You see you've got the key to my heart, key to my heart girl
Unlock me and take all my feelings apart
Coz when u said you had to leave, had to go away,
You closed the door on me; you threw away the key...

And everyday and night I'm thinking about you constantly
Now I know for sure how much you really mean to me, yeah
Sometimes I get a rush and I see, how we were meant to be, lady...

You see you've got the key to my heart, key to my heart girl
Unlock me and take all my feelings apart
Coz when u said you had to leave, had to go away,
You closed the door on me; you threw away the key...



can you tell me
how do you feel
how do you feel
talk, talk to me

in your letter it said you wanted to talk to me
talk talk to me to me
that you're missing my loving
asking am i gonna give it to ya
she said i like the way you put it down on me me baby
that there's nothing more she'd rahter do, do than

follow me follow me to my bedroom
both of our bodies
follow me follow me to my bedroom
this'll be a night you won't forget

relax, unwind and just take your time
take take your time
i would like to show you
get to know you hold you kiss you
running my fingers through your hair
how do you like it
let's just take it nice and slow and enjoy the flow

follow me follow me to my bedroom
you know what you gotta do
you know what you gotta do
take my hand
follow me follow me to my bedroom
this'll be a night you won't forget
follow me follow me to my bedroom
follow me follow me darling
follow me follow me to my bedroom
can you follow me

when i get on top and i make it real hot
and you tell me don't stop
and you fallin'
when i get on top and i make it real hot
and you tell me don't stop
whose name you calling
when i get on top and i make it real hot
and you tell me don't stop
are you fallin'
when i get on top and i make it real hot
and you tell me don't stop
ooh yeah talk talk to me

follow me follow me to my bedroom
both of our bodies
follow me follow me to my bedroom
this'll be a night you won't forget



On my way to see my friends
who lived a couple blocks away from me (owh)
As I walked through the subway
it must have been about quarter past three
In front of me
stood a beautiful honey with a beautiful body
She asked me for the time
I said it'd cost her her name
a six digit number & a date with me tomorrow at nine

Did she decline? No
Didn't she mind? I don't think so
Was it for real? Damn sure
What was the deal? A pretty girl aged 24
So was she keen? She couldn't wait
Cinnamon queen? let me update
What did she say? She said she'd love to
She asked me what we were gonna do
said we'd start with a bottle of moet for two


took her for a drink on Tuesday
we were making love by Wednesday
and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday
I met this girl on Monday
took her for a drink on Tuesday
we were making love by Wednesday
and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday

[Verse 2]
Nine was the time
cos I'll be getting mine
and she was looking fine
Smooth talker
she told me
She'd love to unfold me all night long
Ooh I loved the way she kicked it
from the front to back she flipped (back she flipped it, ooh the
way she
kicked it)
And I oh oh I yeah
hope that she'd care
cos I'm a man who'll always be there

Ooh yeah
I'm not a man to play around baby
Ooh yeah
cos a one night stand isn't really fair
From the first impression girl hmm you don't seem to be like that
Cos there's no need to chat for there'll be plenty for that
From the subway to my home
endless ringing of my phone
When you feeling all alone
all you gotta do
is just call me call me


took her for a drink on Tuesday
we were making love by Wednesday
and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday
I met this girl on Monday
took her for a drink on Tuesday
we were making love by Wednesday
and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday


(Break it down, uh break it down)
Since I met this special lady
ooh yeah
I can't get her of my mind
She's one of a kind
And I ain't about to deny it
It's a special kind thing
with you-oh.......


took her for a drink on Tuesday
we were making love by Wednesday
and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday
I met this girl on Monday
took her for a drink on Tuesday
we were making love by Wednesday
and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday


Rendezvous CRAIG DAVID

Rendezvous CRAIG DAVID

Craig David this is how we do it (This is how we do it)
Yeah well come on check it out
Whatcha doing cos we'll be rendezvousing & you know we'll be getting
some getting jiggy just for fun
Whatcha doing cos we'll be rendezvousing & you know we'll be getting
some getting jiggy just for fun
Whatcha doing cos we'll be rendezvousing & you know we'll be getting
some getting jiggy just for fun
Whatcha doing cos we'll be rendezvousing & you know we'll be getting
some getting jiggy just for fun

Six o'clock in the morning wipe the sleep from my eyes (yeah)
Felt just like an ordinary day
Just around the corner, such a surprise, a beautiful angel materialised
Time stood still face to face
I'm sure we'd met in another time and place (met in another time and

Our eyes met as you passed me by (passed me by)
Two souls entwined in the blink of an eye (yeah)
And I had to figure out what I'd be missing
So I turned to you and asked you if you wanted to
(You know we'll be getting some getting jiggy just for fun)

Rendezvous where to my place say 2 & we can do anything you wanna do
Hey, tonight is your night yeah
When you close your eyes, take a minute, take a moment realise
Do you see me when you fantiasise
Tonight'll be your night

I'm just sitting here daydreaming about you and all the things you do
Girl feels so right
And all I know is your the one for me, that special kinda' lady
In my life, in my life

Well here I am writing you a love song
Holding back those years, it's been so long
And I can't deny the way that I'm feeling (feeling)
It's true, so girl that's why I'm asking you, can we...

Rendezvous where to my place say 2 & we can do anything you wanna do
Hey, tonight is your night yeah
When you close your eyes, take a minute, take a moment realise
Do you see me when you fantiasise
Tonight'll be your night

Darling tell me, what's on your mind? what are you thinking
Hey what you thinking?
Hey what you thinking?
Darling tell me what's on you mind?
What's on your mind yeah?
Darling what are you thinking
Now darling what are you thinking...

Rendezvous where to my place say 2 & we can do anything you wanna do
Hey, tonight is your night yeah
When you close your eyes, take a minute, take a moment realise
Do you see me when you fantiasise
Tonight'll be your night

I'm just sitting here daydreaming about you and all the things you do
Girl feels so right
And all I know is your the one for me, that special kinda lady
In my life, in my life yeah

Whatcha doing cos we'll be rendezvousing & you know we'll be getting
some getting jiggy just for fun
Whatcha doing cos we'll be rendezvousing & you know we'll be getting
some getting jiggy just for fun
Whatcha doing cos we'll be rendezvousing & you know we'll be getting
some getting jiggy just for fun
Whatcha doing cos we'll be rendezvousing & you know we'll be getting
some getting jiggy just for fun

Can't Be Messing 'Round - CRAIG DAVID

Can't Be Messing 'Round - CRAIG DAVID

uh uh yeah
craig david
it's another one
gonna make ya dance to this
gonna make ya dance to this
this is how we do it one time
into the year 2 0 straight from 9 9

one day minding my own business
girl from the back won't keep her distance
she was all over me
just won't let it be
so i said to her i got a girl at home
she said she didn't want to listen to me
knew what exactly she wanted to be
my baby
i must admit she was getting to me
wating for me
wanting me to hold her oh so tightly

together, forever, wherever, whatever
she said she couldn't find nobody better
wasn't gonna give up on me never
she said

ooh you're looking so fly
everytime you pass me by
i like the way you move your body
girl i must admit
you're looking real fit
let's chill for a little bit
i know you wanna get with me
girl you know i'm not free

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
come on let me hit it again
come on let me sing it again
won't pretend
can't be messing around with my girlfriend

it seems like every day girl
you wanna be calling me
and when i step outside
you always follow me
you said that you were really feeling sisqo's song
about the thong th thong thong thong did i wanna see
and when you talk like that
you know you're really tempting me
but i got a girl at home
who'll do the same for me
and that's the way it's gotta be gotta be
so listen now lady

ooh i like your profile
the way you talk and your smile
but you gotta understand lady
i'm not cheating on my baby
ooh you know this ain't right
i'm going home to my girl tonight
and i'm sorry that we couldn't get it on
but the love for my girl's too strong

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
come on let me hit it again
come on let me sing it again
won't pretend
can't be messing around with my girlfriend

girlfriend this love we got golden
and you know you got me open
since the day we started talking
you and i've had this special little something
when i wake up in the morning
girl it would be you i'm calling
since i met you my phone bill be doubling
but girlfriend you know that money ain't a thing
with who me
the one and only c-r-a-i-g come one
now let me deliver this properly
so the world can see that i
ain't the type of guy
and why should i, make my girlfriend cry
can't deny the girl i met was real fly
but it's you that puts me on a natural high
so i, just walked on by
saying my oh my
i ain't gon' let no other girl start troublin
lose someone like you, you must be joking

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
come on let me hit it again
come on let me sing it again
won't pretend
can't be messing around with my girlfriend



(All right)
(Come on)
(Can you fill me in)

I was checking this girl next door
When her parents went out
She phoned said hey boy, come on right around
So I knock at the door
You was standing with a bottle of red wine
Ready to pour
Dressed in long black Satin and Lace to the floor

So I went in
Then we sat down start kissing
Told me about Jacuzzi
Sounded interesting
So we jumped right in
All calls diverted to answer phone
Please leave a message after the tone

You know me and her
Her Parents were kinda cool
But they ran a fine line between me and you
We were just doing things young people in love do
Parents trying to find out what we were up to

Saying why were you creeping round late last night
Why did I see two shadows moving in your bedroom light
Now you're dressed in black
When I left you were dressed in white
Can you fill me in
Calls diverted to answer phone
Red wine bottle half the contents gone
Midnight return Jacuzzi turned on
Can you fill me in

Whenever the coast was clear and she'd ask me to come out
I'd say hey girl, come on right around
So she knocked at the door
I was standing with the keys in my hand to the 4x4
Jumped in my ride
Checkin' in where nobody saw

The club we went in
We got down bounced bounced to the rhythm
Saw it was early morning
Thought we'd better be leaving
So I gave you my jacket for you to hold
Told you to wear it cause you felt cold

I mean me and her
Didn't mean to break the rules
I weren't trying to play your Mum and Dad for fools
We were just doing things young people in love do
Parents trying to find out what we were up to

Saying why can't you keep your promises no more
Say you'll be home by 12 come strolling in at 4
Out went the girls but leaving with the boy next door
Can you fill me in
Wearing a jacket who's property
Said you'd been queuing for a Taxi
But you left all your money on the TV
Can you fill me in

(Can you fill me in)

All they seem to do
Is be checking up on you

(Craig David)

Watching our every move
Think some day they might approve

Why were you creeping round late last night
Why did I see two shadows moving in your bedroom light
Now you're dressed in black
When I left you were dressed in white
Can you fill me in

(Can you fill me in)

Calls diverted to answer phone
Red wine bottle half the contents gone
Midnight return Jacuzzi turned on
Can you fill me in

(Can you fill me in)...

When I Need You - ROD STEWART

When I Need You - ROD STEWART

(Carol Bayer Sager, Albert Hammond)

When I need you
I just close my eyes and I'm with you
And all that I so want to give you
it's only a heart beat away

When I need love
I hold out my hand and I touch love
I never knew there was so much love
keeping me warm night and day

Miles and miles of empty space in between us
A telephone can't take the place of your smile
But you know I won't be traveling forever
It's cold out but hold out and do like I do

When I need you
I just close my eyes and I'm with you
And all that I so want to give you baby
it's only a heart beat away

It's not easy when the road is your driver
Honey that's a heavy load that we bear
But you know I won't be traveling a lifetime
It's cold out so hold out and do like I do

When I need you

When I need love
I hold out my hands and I touch love
I never knew there was so much love
keeping me warm night and day

When I need you
I close my eyes
I hold out my hand and I've got you darlin'
It's only a heart beat away
Now listen
When I need you darlin'
I hold you, feel ya
Give it to me baby

And I miss ya baby
Just close my eyes and I'm with you
And I need you tonight
You know it's only a heart beat away



(Carole King)

So far away
Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore
It will be so fine to see your face at my door
And it doesn't help to know that your just time away
Long ago I reached for you and there you stood
Holding you again could only do me good
Oh how I wish I could
but you're so far away

One more song about moving along the highway
I can't say much of anything that's new
But if I could only work this life out my way
I'd rather spend it being close to you
but you're so far away
Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore
It will be so fine to see your face at my door
And it doesn't help to know you're so far away
So far away, yeah you're so far away

Traveling around sure get's me down and lonely
Nothing else to do but close my mind
And I sure hope the road don't get to own me
There's so many dreams that I've yet to find
But you're so far away
Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore
It will be so fine to see your face at my door
And it doesn't help to know
you're so far away, you're so far away
You're so far away, you're so far away
Oh I need to get in touch with ya baby
You're so very, very, very far away
You're so, so far away

Have I Told You Lately - ROD STEWART

Have I Told You Lately - ROD STEWART

(Van Morrison)

Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
Fill my heart with gladness
take away all my sadness
ease my troubles that's what you do

For the morning sun in all it's glory
greets the day with hope and comfort too
You fill my life with laughter
and somehow you make it better
ease my troubles that's what you do
There's a love that's divine
and it's yours and it's mine like the sun
And at the end of the day
we should give thanks and pray
to the one, to the one

Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
Fill my heart with gladness
take away all my sadness
ease my troubles that's what you do

There's a love that's divine
and it's yours and it's mine like the sun
And at the end of the day
we should give thanks and pray
to the one, to the one

And have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
You fill my heart with gladness
take away my sadness
ease my troubles that's what you do
Take away all my sadness
fill my life with gladness
ease my troubles that's what you do
Take away all my sadness
fill my life with gladness
ease my troubles that's what you do

My Heart Can't Tell Me No - ROD STEWART

My Heart Can't Tell Me No - ROD STEWART

(Simon Climie/Dennis Morgan)

I don't want you
to come round here no more
I beg you for mercy
You don't know how strong
my weakness is
Or how much it hurts me
Cause when you said it over with him
I want to believe it's true
So I let you in knowing tomorrow
I'm gonna wake up missing you
wake up missing you

When the one you love's
in love with someone else
Don't you know it's torture
I mean it's a living hell
No matter how I try to convince myself
this time I won't lose control
One look in your blue eyes
And suddenly my heart can't tell you no

I don't want you
To call me up no more
Saying you need me
You're crazy if you think
just half your love
could ever please me
Still I want to hold you, touch you
when you look at me that way
There's only one solution I know
You gotta stay away from me
Stay away from me

When the one you love's
in love with someone else
Don't you know it's torture
I mean it's a living hell
No matter how I try to convince myself
this time I won't lose control
One look in your sad eyes
And suddenly my heart can't tell you no
My Heart can't tell you no

I don't want you
to come round here no more
I beg you for mercy
You don't know how strong
my weakness is
Or how much it hurts me
Cause when you say its over with him
I want to believe it's true
So I let you in knowing tomorrow
I'm gonna wake up missing you
Wake up missing you

When the one you love's
in love with someone else
Don't you know it's torture
I mean it's a living hell, a living hell
When the one you love's
in love with someone else
Don't you know it's torture
I mean it's a living hell, a living hell

You're In My Heart , The Final Acclaim - ROD STEWART

You're In My Heart , The Final Acclaim - ROD STEWART

(Rod Stewart)

I didn't know what day it was
when you walked into the room
I said hello unnoticed
You said goodbye too soon

Breezing through the clientele
spinning yarns that were so lyrical
I really must confess right here
the attraction was purely physical

I took all those habits of yours
that in the beginning were hard to accept
Your fashion sense, Beardsly prints
I put down to experience

The big bosomed lady with the Dutch accent
who tried to change my point of view
Her ad lib lines were well rehearsed
but my heart cried out for you


You're in my heart, you're in my soul
You'll be my breath should I grow old
You are my lover, you're my best friend
You're in my soul

My love for you is immeasurable
My respect for you immense
You're ageless, timeless, lace and fineness
You're beauty and elegance

You're a rhapsody, a comedy
You're a symphony and a play
You're every love song ever written
But honey what do you see in me


You're an essay in glamour
Please pardon the grammar
but you're every schoolboy's dream
You're Celtic, United, but baby I've decided
You're the best team I've ever seen

And there have been many affairs
Many times I've thought to leave
But I bite my lip and turn around
'cause you're the warmest thing I've ever found


The First Cut Is The Deepest - ROD STEWART

The First Cut Is The Deepest - ROD STEWART

(Cat Stevens)

I would have given you all of my heart
But there's someone who's torn it apart
And she's taken just all that I had
But if you want I'll try to love again
Baby I'll try to love again but I know

The first cut is the deepest
Baby I know the first cut is the deepest
But when it come to being lucky she's cursed
When it come to loving me she's the worst
I still want you by my side
Just to help me dry the tears that I've cried
And I'm sure going to give you a try
And if you want I'll try to love again
Baby I'll try to love again but I know

The first cut is the deepest
Baby I know the first cut is the deepest
But when it come to being lucky she's cursed
When it come to loving me she's the worst

I still want you by my side
Just to help me dry the tears that I've cried
But I'm sure gonna give you a try
'cause if you want I'll try to love again
Baby I'll try to love again but I know

The first cut is the deepest
Baby I know the first cut is the deepest
When it come to being lucky she's cursed
When it come to loving me she's the worst

I Don't Want To Talk About It - ROD STEWART

I Don't Want To Talk About It - ROD STEWART

(Danny Whitten)

I can tell by your eyes that you've prob'bly been cryin' forever,
and the stars in the sky don't mean nothin' to you, they're a mirror.
I don't want to talk about it, how you broke my heart.
If I stay here just a little bit longer,
If I stay here, won't you listen to my heart, whoa, heart?

If I stand all alone, will the shadow hide the color of my heart;
blue for the tears, black for the night's fears.
The star in the sky don't mean nothin' to you, they're a mirror.
I don't want to talk about it, how you broke my heart.
If I stay here just a little bit longer,
if I stay here, won't you listen to my heart, whoa, heart?
I don't want to talk about it, how you broke this ol' heart.

If I stay here just a little bit longer,
if I stay here, won't you listen to my heart, whoa, heart?
My heart, whoa, heart.

Tonight's The Night (Gonna Be Alright) - ROD STEWART

Tonight's The Night (Gonna Be Alright) - ROD STEWART

(Rod Stewart)

Stay away from my window
Stay away from my back door too
Disconnect the telephone line
Relax baby and draw that blind

Kick off your shoes and sit right down
Loosen off that pretty French gown
Let me pour you a good long drink
Ooh baby don't you hesitate cause

Tonights the night
It's gonna be alright
Cause I love you girl
Ain't nobody gonna stop us now

C'mon angel my hearts on fire
Don't deny your man's desire
You'd be a fool to stop this tide
Spread your wings and let me come inside

Tonights the night
It's gonna be alright
Cause I love you girl
Ain't nobody gonna stop us now

Don't say a word my virgin child
Just let your inhibitions run wild
The secret is about to unfold
Upstairs before the night's too old

Tonights the night
It's gonna be alright
Cause I love you woman
Ain't nobody gonna stop us now

Sometimes When We Touch - ROD STEWART

Sometimes When We Touch - ROD STEWART

(Barry Mann, Dan Hill)

You ask me if I love you
and I choke on my reply
I'd rather hurt you honestly
than mislead you with a lie
And who am I to judge you
in what you say or do
I'm only just beginning
to see the real you

And sometimes when we touch
the honesty's too much
and I have to close my eyes and hide
I want to hold you till I die
till we both break down and cry
I want to hold you till the fear in me subsides

Romance and all it's strategy
leaves me battling with my pride
But through all the insecurity
some tenderness survives
I'm just another writer
still trapped within my truth
A hesitant prize fighter
still trapped within my youth

And sometimes when we touch
the honesty's too much
and I have to close my eyes and hide
I want to hold you till I die
till we both break down and cry
I want to hold you till the fear in me subsides

At times I'd like to break you
and drive you to your knees
At times I'd like to break through
and hold you endlessly
At times I understand you
and I know how hard you try
I watched while love commands you
and I've watched love pass you by
At times I think we're drifters
still searching for a friend
a brother or a sister
but then the passion flares again

And sometimes when we touch
the honesty's too much
and I have to close my eyes and hide
I want to hold ya till I die
till we both break down and cry
I want to hold you till the fear in me subsides

Downtown Train - ROD STEWART

Downtown Train - ROD STEWART

(Tom Waits)

Outside another yellow moon
has punched a hole in the night time mist
I climb through the window and down to the street
I'm shining like a new dime
The downtown trains are full
full of all them Brooklyn girls
They try so hard to break out of their little worlds

You wave your hand and they scatter like crows
They have nothing that'll ever capture your heart
They're just thorns without the rose
Be careful of them in the dark
Oh if I was the one you chose to be your only one
Oh baby can't you hear me now, can't you hear me now

Will I see you tonight on a downtown train
Every night, every night its just the same
On a downtown train

I know your window and I know its late
I know your stairs and your doorway
I walk down your street and past your gate
I stand by the light of the four way
and watch them as they fall, oh baby
They all having their heart attacks
They stay at the carnival
But they'll never win you back

Will I see you tonight on a downtown train
Every night, every night its just the same
You leave me lonely
Will I see you tonight on a downtown train
All my dreams, all my dreams fall like rain
On a downtown train

Will I see you tonight on a downtown train
Every night, every night its just the same

Will I see you tonight on a downtown train
All my dreams, all my dreams fall like rain
On a downtown train
On a downtown train
All my dreams fall like rain
On a downtown train

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